主辦單位 清華大學生命科學系
活動地址 台灣北部 新竹市光復路二段101號 清華大學生命科學系

活動內容 《DNA損傷細胞之反應》國際研討會
International Conference and Workshop on Cellular Responses to DNA Damage

Genomic DNA is constantly under the insults from both external and internal
environments. These DNA damages are repaired by the mechanisms that are mostly
conserved among different organisms. While DNA repair is a major cellular
response to DNA damage, it becomes clear now that cells also use strategies to
increase the tolerance to DNA damage. In addition, cells can initiate cell cycle
checkpoint to slow the cell cycle progression to reduce the damage upon the dividing
cells, or even to trigger the program cell death to minimize the risk of mutagenesis or
cancer. New advents in the research field of the cellular responses to DNA damage
are the theme of the conference. As new discovery is often led by a new tool of
exploration, thus, we also include a workshop to introduce the recently-developed
methods very useful for detecting DNA damages.
聯絡人 劉銀樟
聯絡電話 (03)5742757
聯絡傳真 (03)5715934
