主辦單位 台灣營養學會

活動地址 台灣北部 台北市信義路五段1號 台北國際會議中心

活動內容 On behalf of the Nutrition Society of Taiwan, and under the auspices of the
Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies, we are pleased to announce again that the
10th Asian Congress of Nutrition (ACN) to be held in Taipei, Taiwan, September
9th-13th, 2007.

Preparation of the congress has been going smoothly, and the Organizing Committee
is now glad to issue the second announcement which provides you more detailed
information about the 10th ACN.

You are cordially invited to participate in this promising congress, which will be
under the theme "Diet, Nutrition and Optimal Health: From Food Supply to

Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you during the congress in Taipei.
聯絡電話 +886-2-2768-9587
聯絡傳真 +886-2-2756-3323
